1. Oyen FAQ
  2. Oyen Pet Wellness

How can I access the Virtual 1 on 1 vet chat, and is it available 24/7?

The Oyen Preventive Care Plan has been updated to the Oyen Pet Wellness plan as of 3 October 2023.

If you purchased the Oyen Preventive Care Plan prior to 3 October 2023, the details & benefits of your plan will be slightly different than the following.

Please refer to the FAQ for Oyen Preventive Care here.

Once you have successfully purchased an Oyen Pet Wellness plan, you will receive a link to our Calendly page where you can schedule an appointment with our vet specialist.

Once you've booked the appointment, you'll receive a confirmation email with the details of your scheduled session. On the day of your appointment, use the provided link in the confirmation email to join the virtual chat with our vet specialist.

Please note that our Virtual 1 on 1 vet chat is not available 24/7. However, we offer multiple time slots throughout the day to cater to your needs. Please try to book in advance to secure your preferred time.

If you need more help, you can WhatsApp us at +60162996840 or email us at care@oyen.my.

Terms & conditions apply.