1. Oyen FAQ
  2. Oyen Pet Wellness

What are the benefits covered under Oyen Pet Wellness Plan?

The Oyen Preventive Care Plan has been updated to the Oyen Pet Wellness plan as of 3 October 2023.

If you purchased the Oyen Preventive Care Plan prior to 3 October 2023, the details & benefits of your plan will be slightly different than the following.

Please refer to the FAQ for Oyen Preventive Care here.

Oyen Pet Wellness Plan offers pet owners a way to claim for preventive/routine treatments and it covers a wide range of services such as:

  1. Consultation / Check-up 🩺 
    Comprehensive nose-to-tail consultation to ensure the overall well-being for your pets. Vet consultations, surgery, medication for sick & injured pets are not covered.
  2. Core Vaccines 💉 
    Routine & core vaccines to shield your pet against common diseases and viruses, e.g. 4 in 1 vaccine (cats) or 6 in 1 vaccine (dogs)
  3. Tick & Flea Prevention ⛑️
    Routine protection against flea and tick infestations using products such as Advocate, Nexgard, Frontline, and Revolution.
  4. Deworming 🪱 
    Protection against infections from worms and parasites using products like Drontal, Zantel, and Advocate
  5. Heartworm Prevention 🦟
    Regular measures to prevent heartworm disease, a potentially fatal condition transmitted by mosquitoes.
  6. Rabies / Bordetella 💊 (for dogs)
    For dogs that are regularly in contact with other animals/dog, rabies & bordetella vaccination helps keep them safe and prevent the spread of the diseases.
  7. Virtual 1 on 1 vet chat 🥼
    Discuss any concerns you might have about your pet in a private setting.
  8. Exclusive Oyen® WhatsApp community 🫂
    Connect with other pet owners, share experiences and receive tips and updates.

Please do take note that this is not an insurance plan. It is a wellness plan that allows you to protect against preventable illnesses and health conditions, ensuring that your furkid is always happy and healthy. 

If you need more help, you can WhatsApp us at +60162996840 or email us at care@oyen.my.

Terms & conditions apply.